Where- ModernFormations, 4919 Penn Avenue, Pittsburgh
Time- 8:00 p.m.
Cover- $5 or free w/ contribution of potluck dish

<------Joshua M. Patton is a Pittsburgh native and veteran of the US Army currently attending the University of Pittsburgh thanks to the Post-9/11 GI Bill. He is a regular contributor to Veteran Journal, Dadditudes, WhatToExpect.com, and AND Magazine. His fiction has been anthologized in The Sins of the Seven, published by Wicked East Press. His work has taken first-place in the 2011 & 2012 Writer's Cafe/Prosody awards in non-fiction and poetry, respectively. He is a Member Spokesperson for Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America. He spends the rest of his time trying his best to not embarrass his eleven-year-old daughter.