The New Yinzer's Third Season starts up again on February 17, 2010! Readers take the stage at 8:30.
Cover: $5 or free with a contribution to our pot luck spread
Feel free to BYOB!

Adriana Ramirez: (Reader) Adriana E. Ramirez is disposed to skirts over pants, dresses over pantsuits. None of the clocks in her house are set to the right time. Adri secretly considers herself a Texan, although she's far more Mexican and Colombian than anything else. She used to be a performance poet and has over fifteen years experience in theater, spoken word, and advocacy. Once ranked the 26th slam poet in the world (iwps 2006), Adri used to co-host the Latino/Indigenous Showcase at the National Poetry Slam and now hosts the Steel City Slam in Pittsburgh. Her poems and prose have appeared on the internet, on subway station walls, and occasionally, on pieces of dead wood. She currently lives in Pittsburgh, where she works as a Visiting Lecturer at the University of Pittsburgh and is finishing a book about her death fantasies, Colombia, and the way we tell stories around violence. She is a Virgo and a Boar, and also has an MFA in Creative Nonfiction writing from Pitt.
Diana Joseph: (Reader) Diana Joseph is the author of the story collection Happy or Otherwise (Carnegie Mellon UP 2003) and the memoir I'm Sorry YouFeel That Way: The Astonishing but True Story of a Daughter, Sister, Slut, Wife, Mother and Friend to Man and Dog. Her work has been listed in Best American Stories, Best American Essays, the Pushcart Prize Anthology and has appeared in Best Sex Writing, Country Living, and Marie Claire. She teaches in the MFA program at Minnesota State University-Mankato.

Che Elias: (Reader) Che Elias was born in 1980 in Glendale, West Virginia. He spent his formative years in the surrounding Ohio River Valley area...Then relocating to Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, where he is now currently living. He is the author of a novel Rockets Construe Vala and a poetry collection A Lesser Summer: Early Poems. His second novel, Juliet ...,Remember, was published by Six Gallery Press in 2002. His poetry collection Meddles into Preclusion appeared in 2003, and in 2004 he published his novel The Pagan Ellipsis, which is available now. Other Works by CheElias: The Abacus, Wheeling (Poems and Stories), and Death Poems.
Angele Ellis: (Reader) Angele Ellis is the author of Arab on Radar (SixGallery Press, 2007). A 2008 recipient of an Individual Creative Artist fellowship from the Pennsylvania Council on the Arts, her poems have appeared in Mizna, Grasslimb, Encyclopedia Destructica, Rune, Pittsburgh City Paper, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, THEMA, and the anthologies Come Together: Imagine Peace and Voices from the Attic. In September 2009, she won Pittsburgh Filmmakers’ G-20 Haiku Contest; her haiku was displayed on the marquee of the Harris Theatre for the duration of Pittsburgh’s G-20 summit.Weird Paul: (Music) Weird Paul Petroskey is one good lookin' S.O.B. But, more importantly, he writes the damn catchiest songs. Paul began releasing his own cassettes inthe late 80's. In 1991, Homestead
Records released "Lo Fidelity, Hi Anxiety", Paul's now hard-to-find cult classic CD. Since then, Paul is back to releasing his own albums of fun indie-pop/punk, including his latest (and 23rd), AS HEARD IN MY DREAMS. Currently, having written or co-written almost 600 songs, Paul has about 20 albums worth of music available for purchase (see The new album by The Weird Paul Rock Band, "Simulating the Act of Love" will be released in early 2010. On April 21, 2006, the hour-long documentary on Weird Paul- Weird Paul, A Lo Fidelity Documentary- by Chicago filmmaker Stacey Goldschmidt - showed at the Harris Theater in downtown Pittsburgh. It has since played at the Chicago Underground Film Festival and in Leeds, England at the Leeds International Film Festival. It features interviews with Lou Barlow, Calvin Johnson, John S. Hall, BrittDaniel (Spoon), Mr. HCI (Happy Flowers) and more. The film is now also available on DVD.
And 'til we see you, please check out Bob Hoover's wonderful mention of us in the January 17th edition of Post-Gazette!