Where- ModernFormations, 4919 Penn Avenue, Pittsburgh
Time- 8:00 p.m.
Cover- $5 or free w/ contribution of potluck dish
T.C Jones is a graduate of the University of Pittsburgh. His writing has appeared in the Monarch Review, The New Yinzer, Gadfly Magazine, and won the TAR award for fiction in The April Reader. A resident of the east end of Pittsburgh, T.C. currently directs a quarterly literary and art series called Jam2Jam.

Jasmine Dreame Wagner is the author of Rewilding (Ahsahta Press, 2013) and Listening for Earthquakes (Caketrain Journal and Press, 2012.) Her writing has appeared in American Letters & Commentary, Blackbird, Colorado Review, Indiana Review, NANO Fiction, New American Writing, Seattle Review, Verse, and in two anthologies: The Arcadia Project: North American Postmodern Pastoral (Ahsahta Press, 2012) and Lost and Found: Stories from New York (Mr. Beller's Neighborhood Books, 2009.) A graduate of Columbia University and the University of Montana, Jasmine has received grants and fellowships from the Foundation for Contemporary Arts, Summer Literary Seminars - Kenya, and The Wassaic Project. She lives in Brooklyn and teaches creative writing at Western Connecticut State University.