July's edition of The New Yinzer’s TNY Presents is bursting at the seams. This time around, we feature Kevin Finn, Kurt Garrison, Kristofer Collins, and Carlos Pena.

Kurt Garrison: Kurt Garrison is a member of Workshop, The Plat Maps and AAA.

Kristofer Collins: Kristofer Collins is the managing editor of The New Yinzer, an occasional book reviewer for The Post Gazette, and owner of Desolation Row CDs. A book of his poems entitled “King Everything” was published in 2007 by Six Gallery Press. “The Liturgy of Streets” is forthcoming from Six Gallery Press in 2008.
Carlos Peña: Carlos Peña seeks to illuminate life's diversity and has found music to be his most effective means in this process. In doing so, he has learned to embrace the paradoxes and ambiguity which comprise our experience. Carlos takes a holistic approach to sound production on his instruments of choice (guitar, percussion, and piano) and emphasizes the role of improvisation within harmonic and rhythmic frameworks in his style of musical expression. Born and raised in Pittsburgh, PA, Carlos has been an instrumentalist and performer for most of his life, holds a masters degree in ethnomusicology, and additionally functions as a music librarian and researcher.

Cover is $4. Light vittles and beverages will be available.