The weather might be cooling down but we’re heating things up at TNY Presents. Join us Wednesday, September 16th for the latest installment. We’ll be featuring the literary talents of Dave Carillo, Joel W. Coggins, Sherrie Flick, and Dana Killmeyer. Stick around for the beautiful sounds of Stephen Tribou & The Vacant Sea. Sherrie Flick (reader) has an excellent debut novel, titled Recons
idering Happiness, just out from University of Nebraska Press. I Call This Flirting, her awarding-winning chapbook of flash fiction, was published in 2004 (Flume Press). Her work appears in the anthologies Flash Fiction Forward (Norton) and New Sudden Fiction (Norton) as well as You Have Time For This (Ooligan Press). A recipient of a PA Council on the Arts grant, she lives in Pittsburgh where she directs the Gist Street Reading Series. Learn more here: and read her City Paper interview here! (photo credit: John Altdorfer)--->
<---Dave Carillo (reader) Dave Carillo teaches English at the University of Connecticut at Waterbury and is the Writing Coordinator at Saint Joseph College. He lives in West Hartford, CT with his wife and dog.Joel W. Coggins (reader) Joel W. Coggins, a native Ohioan, i
s a Senior at the University of Pittsburgh, where he majors in Writing. He is the Editor-in-Chief of Three Rivers Review and also serves as an Editorial Assistant for Weave Magazine. His writing has appeared in Collision, Hinge, and Cedarville Review. ---->
<---Dana Killmeyer (reader) Dana Killmeyer is a Pittsburgh native working in mixed forms of expression. As a writer, she has published the novel, Paradise, or The Part that Dies and the poetry collection, Pendulums of Euphoria with Six Gallery Press. She has been known to swallow her children whole after giving birth to them, so she is grateful the Para/Pen twins reached maturity.