a monthly Pittsburgh reading series featuring emerging and established writers of poetry, fiction, and creative nonfiction from Pittsburgh and across the nation.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
TNY Presents! Wednesday, October 15 At ModernFormations Gallery Doors open at: 8 p.m. Cover: $4 October's event features the super-sized Pittsburgh talents: Jonathan Loucks, Tiffany Merriman-Preston, and band Samoan Cats.
Beverages are provided by our friends at Penn Brew.
Jonathan Louckswas born in Southern California. He has studied at the University of California, Berkeley and the University of Pittsburgh. Jonathan lives in the Greenfield neighborhood of Pittsburgh, PA, where he teaches writing at the University of Pittsburgh and Duquesne University. He also plays guitar and sings for the noise pop band Workshop.
Tiffany Merriman-Prestonis a poet and non-profiteer. Originally from Georgia, she moved to Pittsburgh in 2003. She received an MFA from the University of Pittsburgh and has published her work in such journals as Cream City Review, Rattle, Terminus, Tulane Review, Poetry Motel, and 88: A Journal of Contemporary Poetry. She also created the local blog Walking Pittsburgh with her husband, Matt. Tiffany currently resides in Lawrenceville.
Samoan Catsis a Pittsburgh soft-rock band Scott Silsbe does when not rocking with local band Workshop. Occasionally, Kurt Garrison helps keep time. The SamCats debut album, Coming of Age in Samoa, is due out sometime in the future.