We're firing up the 2009 TNY Presents season with a fantastic group of writers and artists. Join us at Modern Formations Gallery at 8 p.m. on February 18th. And watch this space for furhter details! Sherrie Flick: (Fiction) Sherrie Flick is author of the award-winning flash fiction chapbook I C
all This Flirting (Flume Press, 2004). Recent anthologies include New Sudden Fiction (Norton, 2007) and Flash Fiction Forward (Norton, 2006). Her short essay "Flash in a Pan" will appear in The Rose Metal Press Field Guide to Writing Flash Fiction: Tips from Editors, Teachers, and Writers in the Field (2009). A recipient of a Pennsylvania Council on the Arts fellowship, she lives in Pittsburgh where she is co-founder and artistic director of the Gist Street Reading Series. Her first novel Reconsidering Happiness will be published in Fall 2009. www.sherrieflick.com.
Julie Sokolow: (Fiction) Julie Sokolow is a Chancellor’s Scholar at the University of Pittsburgh, musician, and writer of drama and prose. Her work has appeared in The Original magazine and on Pittsburgh’s radio station WYEP. Her debut album Something About Violins was released on the label Western Vinyl. Currently, she is developing a screenplay out of her collection of short stories set in the surreal New Jersey suburbs.
Patti Emory: (Poetry) Patti Emory is a poet, artist, activist, and antagonist. She ha
s beenwritingpoetry since she was a wee girl. While in college she started reading atopen mikes. Upon moving to Pittsburgh she started practicing at local venues such as the Shadow Lounge. She was motivated to try spoken word bylocal artists such as Brian Francis, Kellye Maize, and Vanessa German. When she's not writing she's working and earning credits for graduateschool. By the grace of God, she plans to enter the MAT program at the University of Pittsburgh next summer. She hopes to become a high school English teacher and eventually a college professor. Best Friends: (Music) 'Best friend' (or close friend): a person(s) with whom someone shares extremely strong interpersonal ties with as a friend.